Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Lucas' 2 Year Check Up

Our little guy turned two on December 5th so it was time to head to the doctors to get his check up.  He was super excited about the koi fish pond you could view from the second story building.  Everything water related is a "Bubble" and he gets ecstatic when he sees a fountain, pond, lake, etc...  He was not so excited though when we were finally called back to our room.  He started crying when the nurse measured him and went down hill from there.  As long as it was just him and I in the room everything was OK, but as soon as someone else walked in he was clinging to me. We got through the visit and the Dr. said he was a healthy boy and she would see us when he turned 3.  He weighed 28.7 pounds and was in the 50% for weight.  His height was 36 inches and is in the 86%.  He is going to be tall and thin just like his daddy!!  We are blessed to have a sweet and healthy little boy.